15 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

Notepad++ Kullanıcılarına Tuş Kombinasyonları...

Benim gibi saçma ve yetersiz Microsoft text editörleri ile uğraşmak istemiyorsanız. Mutlaka daha gelişmiş bir editör edinmişsinizdir. Eğer Notepad++ kullanıyorsanız aşağıda verilen kısayollar çok işinize yarayacak.

ShortcutCommandHow useful(?)
Ctrl-CCopy +
Ctrl-XCut +
Ctrl-VPaste +
Ctrl-ZUndo +
Ctrl-YRedo +
Ctrl-ASelect All +
Ctrl-FLaunch Find Dialog +
Ctrl-HLaunch Find / Replace Dialog +
Ctrl-DDuplicate Current Line +
Ctrl-LDelete Current Line +
Ctrl-TSwitch the current line position with the previous line position +
F3Find Next +
Shft-F3Find Previous +
Ctrl-Shft-FFind in Files +
Ctrl-F3Find (volatil) Next +
Ctrl-Shft-F3Find (volatil) Previous +
Ctrl-Shft-IIncremental Search +
Ctrl-SSave File +
Ctrl-Alt-SSave As +
Ctrl-Shft-SSave All +
Ctrl-OOpen File +
Ctrl-NNew File +
Ctrl-F2Toggle Bookmark +
F2Go To Next Bookmark +
Shft-F2Go To Previous Bookmark +
Ctrl-GLaunch GoToLine Dialog +
Ctrl-WClose Current Document +
Alt-Shft-Arrow keys or Alt + Left mouse clickColumn Mode Select +
F5Launch Run Dialog +
Ctrl-SpaceLaunch CallTip ListBox +
Alt-SpaceLaunch Word Completion ListBox +
Tab (selection of several lines)Insert Tabulation or Space (Indent) +
Shft-Tab (selection of several lines)Remove Tabulation or Space (outdent) +
Ctrl-(Keypad-/Keypad+) or Ctrl + mouse wheel buttoZoom in (+ or up) and Zoom out (- or down) +
Ctrl-Keypad/Restore the original size from zoom +
F11Toggle Full Screen Mode +
Ctrl-TabNext Document +
Ctrl-Shft-TabPrevious Document +
Ctrl-Shft-UpMove Current Line Up +
Ctrl-Shft-DownMove Current Line Down +
Ctrl-Alt-FCollapse the Current Level +
Ctrl-Alt-Shft-FUncollapse the Current Level +
Alt-0Fold All +
Alt-(1~8)Collapse the Level (1~8) +
Alt-Shft-0Unfold All +
Alt-Shft-(1~8)Uncollapse the Level (1~8) +
Ctrl-BackSpaceDelete to start of word +
Ctrl-DeleteDelete to end of word +
Ctrl-Shft-BackSpaceDelete to start of line +
Ctrl-Shft-DeleteDelete to end of line +
Ctrl-UConvert to lower case +
Ctrl-Shft-UConvert to UPPER CASE +
Ctrl-BGo to matching brace +
Ctrl-Shft-RStart to record /Stop recording the macro +
Ctrl-Shft-PPlay recorded macro +
Ctrl-QBlock comment/uncomment +
Ctrl-Shft-QStream comment +
Ctrl-Shft-TCopy current line to clipboard +
Ctrl-PPrint +
Alt-F4Exit +
Ctrl-ISplit Lines +
Ctrl-JJoin Lines +
Ctrl-Alt-RText Direction RTL +
Ctrl-Alt-LText Direction LTR +
F1About +

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